
December 6, 2010

200th Post ~ Countdown: Days 4 & 5

How this is my 200th post, I dunno. Craziness. And speaking of crazy, check out Lovie's hair in day 5's pic below! Yowza chica!

First, this one's from Saturday, day 4:

We got our first snow of the season and it was GORGEOUS to see on the trees and streets. Lovie enjoyed watching it fall. We didn't make it out to play; I can't find my gloves and Lovie doesn't have any snow boots.

Yesterday we finally managed to get the tree up (prelit to save some sanity) and most of the lights in the window thanks to my raging bitchiness this weekend... it was be a bitch or wait until next bloody Christmas for the decor to get up. Ugh! As it is we still have one window left to put plastic and lights on but the majority of it is all complete.

This pic was taken earlier in the day when Lovie and I were playing. I just got done bombarding her with a million kisses (that pic didn't turn out- boo!!)...


  1. I lvoe the b&w pic of Lovie...and her sweater/leggings combo. All the easier to squeeze chubby little legs!

  2. I LOVE that first photo, so peaceful and beautiful!! Black and white is perfect for it! Lovie, you are sooo cute!


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