
November 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Now what?

FTR she normally uses this as a push toy but I turned it into the ride on, placed her on it, and was pushing her around until I got my camera to snap a couple pictures.


  1. That's so cute! Jack won't sit on his...he just screams!

  2. We have that exact same toy!!! Babygirl won't sit on hers though. She rather push it around. Lovie is getting sooo big!!! She is just too cute!! Hope all is going well with you. Have a GREAT thanksgiving if I don't talk to you before then! :o)

  3. She is so gorgeous and I love her crazy morning hair!!

  4. Oh my goodness, LOOK AT THAT FACE! She is beautiful.

  5. Has she figured out how to make it go yet? She looks like she's thinking about it. We have the same toy, but they must have changed it a little since Rylie was a baby because yours is MUCH cuter.


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