
September 9, 2010

Dance Dance...there goes the cat! *UPDATED*

I love just watching her ... be.


Lovie's PJ's are from Old Navy, the play table is from Fisher Price, and the mat is from COSTCO and comes HIGHLY recommended. It's not that big (the room in the video was intended for a dining room) so we started to place an industrial mat around it (also purchased from COSTCO for much cheaper than the play mat).

Linking up with the ever so cool Freckles and Fudge... because I can and because she cusses! :)


  1. The bouncing and squatting are so insanely cute!! I just want to eat her up!

    I love the ABC flooring...where did that come from?

  2. Too stinkin' cute! My daughter had the same little table and loved it. We're changing our dining room into a playroom and I would love to know where you got the ABC mat also. Thanks!

  3. So cute! I'm impressed by her ability to get down from standing. Caroline can only get down by falling.


  4. awh b/w her and that duck in the background i'm overwhelmed with cuteness.


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