
July 30, 2010

Footsie Friday

Lovie is seriously *THIS CLOSE* to crawling. I know I've been saying that for days now, but it's true. Even the day care teachers keep telling me, "She's SO close!"  (I told them yesterday that I didn't want to know if she does it for them.)

I'm blaming this new milestone for the reason she's not napping much at day care again. Yesterday she got in two naps at a half hour a piece. She was out as soon as we got in the car and rolled right over as soon as I laid her in the crib once we got home.

She turned 7 months yesterday so I was hoping to do our usual photo shoot to celebrate. But she just slept and slept and slept.  She did the same thing on Monday, too. Slept from the time we got in the car at roughly 345 and just slept the entire rest of the day and night until the next morning (we wake early- by 530 she's dressed for the day during the week).

I miss my sweet baby doll on days like these.

Oh well, at least I got these cute pics of her feet. : ) 

And my BFF/cousin sent pictures from Lovie's birth day so there are newborn feet too!



Linking up with THREE blog hops this week (Hi Newbies!! Welcome!! Hope you like what you see or read. I'm having computer issues here at work this morning so I may be slow in getting back with you but I'll do my best, I promise. Have a great day.):

1.  friday-follow

New Friend Fridays


  1. Cute feet! Arrghh! Wanna grab them!

  2. Can I nibble on those sweet toes? Can I? Please?!

  3. Lizzy has been doing that with naps too lately. It is TERRIBLE!

  4. Hi! Found your blog on Friday Follow-Me.

    Such cute little baby feet! Love the pics! Your daughter's green pants are so cute too!

  5. awww! it's still such a sweet photo shoot though, i love sleeping babies! i wish i could sleep as hard as they do sometimes :)

    happy seven months lovie!!!

  6. precious..i love baby feets....:)

  7. Baby feet are just beautiful!! Happy 7 months Lovie!!

  8. Did you really just tell us her real name? Yay! ;-)

    Our daycare isn't supposed to tell us if our kid does something for the first time. I tell them they better because I'm obsessive like that and want to know the exact minute they do something for the first time. LOL

    I can't wait to see that first video of her crawling!


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