
June 9, 2010

Trendy Confession

The Trendy Part of this post:

Katie at Desperate for Coffee (please check her out... if you're into honest writing) nominated me for the Trendy Blog Award.

To receive this award, promise to share this with 10 other blogs that you think are Trendy too.
*Post about your award in your blog.
*Share with the bloggers.
*Ask them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.

So, the ten blogs I'm passing this on to...

Peppermint Bee
Mommy Glow
Because I Said So
The Pursuit of Happiness
This Adventure, Our Life
La Buena Vida
The Baker's Family Blog

Now for the confession part:

If you counted, I didn't include 10 blogs to pass this award on to? FOR SHAME!!


Couple reasons: I'm at work (where I do most of my blogging, sadly) and the computer is a piece of shit. I know I've bitched about it before but it's worth mentioning again... because it is. A piece of shit. And that's frustrating as hell.

Some blogs I try to visit... I just don't get it.  I think it's bigger blogs or blogs with advertising or something. I'm not really sure. But when I go visit a blog (and it's never happened with a website other than a blog!), that blog will suddenly appear in three billion different tabs in my browser and my computer will freeze.

Sometimes I really feel like I'm losing my mind when this happens - and it's just NOT cool to happen when working. What happens if someone walks by or, I dunno, I need to do some work and my computer has three billion tabs open to a blog and no other program can hide it?

As much as I hate being a working mom, I need my job right now.

So yeah. I was nominated the other week for this award and tried playing, but again, I had the problem with the gazillion tabs opening thereby freezing my computer thing so I just gave up.


Anyway, the most important part of this entry ... 


Gah I have chills after listening to those.


  1. ...or THE award...whichever way you want to spell that :)

  2. Thanks for the blog nod, very much appreciated! Hope the work day goes quickly and you can get home to your lovie.

  3. Congratulations! Wait. Do you all live in Chicago?!?! We lived there for the past two years. In Lincoln Park on the border of Lakeview!

  4. GO HAWKS!!

    Thanks for the award : )

  5. Thanks for the award!

    I don't think I've ever watched a hockey game in my life, lol!

  6. YEE HAW thanks for the nom! I'm so excied!! Have a great rest of the week!!

  7. Just stopping by to say thanks for the award!

  8. OMG. That same thing happens to me at work with the blogs showing up in a gazillion windows until I can get into task manager and shut down IE. Are you using IE 6? I think that may have something to do with it, but I don't know. Not that I want someone to go crazy like I do over it, but I'm glad to find someone else that deals with that same thing.

    Congratulations on all of your blog awards! The whole "working mom" thing is why I'm just now catching up on a few of my favorite blogs. I'm sorry I haven't been by lately.


speak your mind.