
June 4, 2010

Friendly Blog Hop Friday

The Girl Creative 

Thought I'd join the New Friend Friday peeps at The Girl Creative again : ) as well as Blog Hop Friday! (I sure hope it's OK to join both of these at the same time.)

Would love to make new blog friends... I only ask that if you do decide to follow me (which would be awesome) that you let me know your blog (if it's not in your profile) so that I can do the same! I LOVE the blogosphere and try reading (and commenting on) as many as I can.

Oh and if you're new (or not), don't forget to check out some pics of my adorable 5 month old... if she doesn't put a smile on your face, I'm not sure what will! ; )

Happy Friday!

(sheesh, sorry for all the parentheses in this post)


  1. ♥Hi!!

    Happy blog hop Friday!
    Im your newest follower! ☺
    Hope you can hop on over to my place

    Happy Hopping♥

  2. Thanks for hopping with us! Congrats on the beautiful little girl! I am already following glad to stop in again! Isn't it funny that, as much as we want kids the poop and boogers sometime make us insane :)- luv it!

  3. Following back and can't wait to get caught up on your gorgeous Lovie!

  4. Also I just passed an award on to you, come by and check it out!


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