
May 25, 2010

Yummy Yummy. In my Tummy.

Are you sitting down? If not you should!


Because... I made dinner last night!  A complete "meal"! 

It was the first dinner I've made in probably .. six months. Quite possibly longer, to be honest!

So what was on the menu during the hottest day since last August??

Tuna sandwiches (white albacore canned tuna, sweet pickle relish, mayo) on whole wheat toast with a slice of cheddar, lettuce, tomato and a side of Ruffles Potato Chips.

Sure it was a simple meal anyone could've put together, sure it was a meal many folk eat for lunch instead of dinner, but whatever. It was a meal. Made by me.

And I'm doing it again tonight!


That's the plan at least. Ha.

Tonight's menu??

Grilled cheese (I make a mean one so don't roll your eyes at me!!) with pan fried crash hot potatoes because it's too fucking hot here to turn the oven on.  Yeah, I'm taking Pioneer Woman's recipe and gonna fuck it up try making it so that I don't have to turn the oven on... my plan is to nuke the potatoes some, then mash them like she does, then toss them into a hot pan with olive oil (so I'm skipping the boiling on the stove= HOT and skipping roasting in oven= HOTTER)

Wish me luck eh


  1. I still must try these...perhaps I can use the grill instead of the oven.

  2. Noticed you are a new follower of my blog; just wanted to stop in and say HI! : ) Your little girl is SOOOOO adorable!!!! What a beauty you have : )

  3. Sounds like all I've had the time to cook lately too. It's just too hot to use the stove and my time with H before bed is so short, why waste it cooking? Tuna sandwiches sound amazing and I bet your grilled cheese with potatoes will be yummy as well! I need to check out PW a little more, so many people are raving about her recipes!

  4. Hey! I'm new to your blog, having found it via Mama Kat's writers workshop. But I love it. You write so honestly & beautifully. I'm going to add your blog to my reader. I hope you keep blogging. :)


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