
May 3, 2010

Please vote

Something you may not know about me: I'm a dork.

That said, will you please vote in the poll I created over there on the left side of the page? Please? It will make my day to see votes there.

Lovie's stats to date, if it matters:

7.12 at birth on 12/29...
7.5 when we took you home on 12/31...
7.3 at doc appts on 1/4 and 1/7 to...
7.9 at doc appt on 1/9 to ...
9.9 at one month checkup on 2/1...
11.11 at two month checkup.

So what do you think she's up to now?

Voting ends Weds at 10AM. Her appointment is tomorrow at 10AM.


  1. I'm guessing between 13 and 14 pounds. P.s. Charlie was 7.11 at birth.They were almost the same size...same birthday..spooky :) P.s.s. Don't tell me lovie was 19 inches long

  2. I voted! But I have absolutely no idea so I just guessed!

  3. I am guessing Lovie is a petite little one, like my Bailey is!!

  4. Funny Alyssa! Actually she was 20 inches at birth... :D


speak your mind.