
May 11, 2010

Do I or don't I?

So I'm a cheapass. And I'm the first to admit it. I generally don't buy much of anything unless it's on sale. And when it comes to Lovie, that especially holds true.

Take her kick ass swing for example. It normally goes for like $150 (and worth every penny in my opinion) and I got it on sale for $86 from Kohl's one day - with free S&H (and holy hell I just checked the link and Amazon's got it at $99! Nice! But, of course, not as nice as $86!).

Most of her clothes that I've had to purchase, were done so through Once Upon a Child or with a significant coupon or clearance through your normal Babies R Us, Kohl's, Carters, Old Navy locations. And while, for the most part, she has plenty of clothes, she has no shoes.

And I love shoes.

But have you seen the cost for some baby shoes? For something that doesn't even matter and something that may be worn a handful of times, if that? Insanity, I say!

Well I was looking at Old Navy's site today and then the Gap and came across these:
How friggin cute are those?! And I can get them in 12 months size which would be perfect for the fall and winter months. And the best news is that they're on sale for like $15.

But I'm a cheapass, remember? And $15, to me, is still a lot of money when it comes to something she, again, won't wear too much.

But they're cute. And she'd make them even cuter once they adorn her cute little feet. And she doesn't have any boots yet and they're NOT pink, nor are they covered in Winnie the Pooh crap (ha, nice pun!)!

So... do I or don't I get them?!? 

It's times like this when I hate being so damn cheap!


  1. Those are SO CUTE! Kid's shoes are ridiculously expensive, what always drives me the craziest is the fact that they don't even walk in them and are growing so fast they only wear them for a few months (at the longest!)

    You should search ebay for baby might be able to find them even cheaper :)

  2. I would get them. The cheapest pair of shoes i got for PJ were $12.99 and they were sandals at Target.


speak your mind.