
March 29, 2010

3 months

Happy 3 months, Lovie!!

Even though I'm sitting here at work doing everything possible to Not fall asleep and you're at daycare probably napping - or eating, or pooping, or playing, or swinging - I'd much rather be with you at home celebrating like we did the last two months... with a photo shoot! We had a fun weekend though and I guess that's what matters - that when we do spend time together, it's fabulous. And it was. Even though we didn't do anything, really. Other than hang. And I soooo love hanging with you. 24/7 if I could!!
Last night was rough. Not because of anything baby related. Well, not really but kind of: I have the yeast infection from hell...which was the dessert to the cold from hell two weeks ago! By god, I can't catch a break - and oddly enough, it's all only since going back to work!! Go figure!

Yeah so last night was very rough. I've basically been awake since 1AM because I just couldn't stop scratching my crotch. Oy. It hurts. And it itches. What a friggin conundrum, eh?! Argh. I finally went to the doc a bit ago and got a prescription by way of one little pill (had a bad experience with Monistat a couple years ago that made it seem like the sun was in my up my who-ha- Modern Family anyone??). Somethings gotta give.

2 hours and 15 minutes, Lovie...

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